When it comes to July 4th celebrations, nothing feels better than hitting the open roads on your bike. But since this can be the most dangerous day on the road, you’ll want to be extra careful. So here’s some safety tips for your Independence Day Ride.
Independence Day Ride Tips
Don’t Drink and Drive
The first and most important rule for your Independence Day ride is to not drink and drive. If there’s any chance of you drinking on your ride, plan a way home. First of all, drinking and driving is illegal. But since so many people do it on July 4th, there will be officers everywhere, setting up checkpoints and looking for intoxicated drivers. Therefore, there’s a good chance you’ll end up facing DWI charges and that’s not worth it.
But not only is it illegal, it’s dangerous. You have enough dangers to face on your motorcycle already without adding impaired driving to the list. You need to be able to handle your bike well and protect yourself against other drivers. The best way to do that is to remain sober.
Choose Your Travel Time Wisely
Another important Independence Day ride tip is to be careful about what time you hit the road. You want to choose to travel at a time when there is the least amount of traffic. And when people will have been drinking the least amount of booze. Since a lot of people will be traveling to parties for the fourth, try to avoid those popular times. In that case, it can be best to hit the road during early to mid morning hours. Likewise, it’s also better to travel mid evening, while most people will still be celebrating.
Since a lot of people will be drinking all throughout the day, night time can be the most dangerous time to travel. As a rider, you’re already at a disadvantage at night because people can’t see you well. But then adding the fact that a lot of people may be drinking just makes a recipe for disaster. So try to avoid riding later at night when people may be leaving parties.
Stay Hydrated
With July 4th celebrations comes the sweltering, July heat. While riding, you’ll have a breeze so you may not realize how hot it is or how much you’re in the sun. But it’s easy to become dehydrated quickly while riding in these conditions. So remember to pack and drink plenty of water on your Independence Day Ride.