Workplace injuries are increasingly common. Especially when your position is a particularly risky one. So, we need to find ways to prevent them. While this is definitely part of the employer’s job, there are also steps we can take to make sure that we don’t end up with an at-fault injury. While you know if (mostly) anything were to happen on the job, you would be compensated— there is always still the potential for denied claims, partial wages, and a serious injury. So, let’s work on preventing workplace injuries. Accidents will always happen. But, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work to eliminate them.

Preventing Workplace Injuries: Steps You and Your Employer Can Take

A Safety First Mindset

In most on the job responsibilities, we kind of go through the motions. Sure, there is added attention to detail. However, we often don’t think twice before picking up boxes, shuffling documents, climbing up ladders, or so forth. But, a lot of times, the actions we take can be careless, thoughtless, or just plain unsafe. So, focus on safety. Stay alert and aware of potential dangers. Furthermore, make sure you’re using proper techniques— or enforcing them as an employer.

Gear Up Properly

In many cases, especially in riskier jobs, certain gear is often required. So, make sure you’re wearing it— and properly. Whether it’s a hard hat, gloves, ear plugs, goggles… whatever it may be. Part of preventing workplace injuries is making sure that you have the gear in place that can protect you when the workplace is in full swing. Whether there are sparks flying, high-pitched noises, potential for falling beams, or so forth. If you’re an employer, perform routine gear and safety checks. Not only should you be making sure your employees are wearing the correct gear, make sure that their gear is in proper condition. As an employer, it is your responsibility to make sure your employees have the proper materials to work. By doing your job, you can keep your employees safer and your injury reports down.

Safety Concerns? Report them

As an employee, one of the most successful tactics for avoiding injury is to self-police yourself, the people around you, and your working conditions. Maybe you’re working one day and notice that a screw is loose on a support beam, or some screw isn’t secure. Whatever you run across that seems off, report it. You don’t have to take time out of your busy day to fix it— just make the right people aware of the issue and move along. While these minor issues may not be a huge concern right now, proactiveness prevents problems. This will protect you, improve the work environment, and make your job easier.