Although biologically necessary, most people don’t their necessary 8 hours of sleep. Consequently, in this wired and always connected age, fatigue driving dangers are increasing. And when exhausted drivers hit the road, bad things happen. Rather, in driver’s education classes, teachers warned us to pull over when too tired. But how many drivers do this? Because fatigue driving is serious, we use “rumble bumps” to alert drivers when they drift outside the lane. When you feel the rumble, you know you are outside the lane. So whether you are texting or falling asleep, this is your warning to focus. Or get ready to crash.

fatigue drivingFatigue Driving When Too Tired

While we all drive when tired, we must learn to recognize when we are too tired. With so many gadgets and other distractions, it is easy to lose perspective on the road. For example, we may not even realize how exhausted we are after a long day at work. Consequently, we don’t take the necessary steps to be safe any more. Instead, many people get coffee in the middle of the afternoon just to get through the rest of the day. And by the time we get in the car to head home, we are in a fog and dangerous. Because of schedule demands, truck drivers routinely drive too tired. In fact, fatigue driving is the number one cause of semi truck accidents.

Driving When Too Tired

Not everyone considers the safety of other drivers on the road. Rather, they take chances for any number of reasons. Unfortunately, when they gamble with their lives, they risk everyone’s safety. As a result, we need to drive defensively and watch out for others around us. While we are watching out for others, we are also watching out for ourselves. Consequently, our defensive driving will help keep everyone safe on the road.