Heavy lifting is one of the most common sources of workplace accidents. It’s easy to injure your back or neck when you lift heavy objects. And unfortunately, these injuries can be difficult to diagnose and heal. So it’s best to avoid them altogether. Learning how to lift safely is the best way to prevent workplace injuries from heavy objects. Make sure that you have the proper equipment before attempting the lift. Plan out how you’ll lift in advance. Make sure that you are using the proper position before attempting to pick the object up. And finally, keep your movement controlled while lifting and make sure you are using the correct technique. Hopefully, knowing these tips will prevent any back injuries from heavy lifting.

How to Lift Safely Without Injury: Prevent Workplace Accidents

Proper Equipment

Before attempting to lift any heavy object, decide if lifting equipment is necessary. If the object is incredibly heavy, or if you already have previous back or neck injuries, you’ll need to take extra precautions. It might be necessary to wear a back belt or brace to help protect those muscles and lift safely. In addition, you might need to use a dolly to move the object. If you are taking it a long way you’ll need support straps to keep it in place or ratchet straps if moving in a vehicle. You can also find lifting straps that go over your shoulders and help distribute weight evenly.

Plan the Lift

Before you go to pick up the object, plan out what you’ll do in your head first. Having a plan can help you visualize where you might run into trouble and help you avoid it. Plan your route out if you’re moving the object a long way. For example, make sure that you’ve cleared a path and asked for help if you need a door held open. Figure out the best route before you even begin lifting. Planning out your lift beforehand will help you lift safely by helping to avoid making sudden movements that could twist your back and lead to injury.

Proper Position

In order to lift safely, you’ll need to make sure that you are lifting in the proper position. Take a wide stance with your legs apart. Find a good grip on the object that isn’t likely to slip out of your hands. You may need to wear gloves if your hands are sweating. Get very close to the object as you’ll want to keep most of its weight near your center. Proper position before you start will set you up for a safe lift that will protect your back and neck muscles.

Proper Movement

Finally, the most important aspect in order to lift safely is actually lifting the object. When you bend to pick it up, never bend your back. Instead, squat down bending only your knees and hips. Once you’ve gripped the object properly, keep your eyes and head looking straight ahead. Slowly stand up by using your legs and not your back. Take small steps and if you are working with a partner try to keep the same pace as them. When you go to set the object down, again, bend with your legs and not your back.

Learning how to lift safely is important for preventing back and neck injuries. It’s especially important in the workplace and should be part of training if the company you work for expects you to lift anything heavy. Workplace injuries from incorrectly lifting objects are common and can, unfortunately, last a long time. Back and neck injuries are difficult to heal from since it’s nearly impossible to isolate and rest those muscles completely. Therefore, having the proper equipment, planning your lift ahead of time, positioning yourself correctly, and actually lifting with proper technique is so important. By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to prevent injuries in the workplace from lifting heavy objects incorrectly.