Burn Injury Levels: Determining the Degree of Injury
Most people have dealt with a burn injury at least one time in their lives; maybe the burn wasn't bad, or maybe it was quite severe. Nevertheless, we are all aware that when it comes to burns, there are a few different levels of severity. The majority of people will...
Complex Regional Pain: How It Effects Worker’s Comp
When it comes to suffering an on-the-job injury, enduring the pain of that injury can be hard. But what if things don't seem to get better, and instead you experience more pain? For people suffering from complex regional pain syndrome this can happen and it can effect...
Hearing Loss Challenges: Issues With Your Case
When it comes to on the job hearing loss, you may wonder if you can receive worker's compensation benefits. While you should be eligible for some benefits, hearing loss cases faces some challenges that you may want to discuss with your attorney. So here's some common...
Work Injury Stress: Tips for Coping
While work in and of itself can be stressful, adding an injury only makes things worse. Now you must deal with an injury, your recovery process, and financial stress due to not being able to work. So if you find yourself injured and overwhelmed, here's a few tips for...
Injury Support: Tips for Helping A Loved One in Pain
When it comes to your loved ones, it's hard to watch them endure the pain of an injury. While you want to offer support, you often feel like you aren't meeting their needs. So here's a a few tips for offering injury support to a hurting loved one. Injury Support: Tips...
Work Return Tips: Overcoming the Nerves About Going Back
After suffering an injury at work, you may feel nervous about going back. You may be nervous about handling the workload or hurting yourself again. So here's some tips to make your work return a little easier. Work Return Tips: Overcoming the Nerves About Going Back...
Outdoor Safety Tips: How To Work In the Heat
When it comes to South Carolina summers, only one word can describe them--hot. Because of the heat and humidity, working outside can become dangerous. So here's some outdoor safety tips to keep you safe while working in the heat. Outdoor Safety Tips: What Is Heat...
Hamstring Recovery Mistakes | Fort Mill Accident Attorney
When it comes to heavy lifting, most of the movement behind the muscles comes from your glutes and hamstring. So it's no mistake that hamstring injuries can be pretty common in the work place. But just because they're common doesn't make them any less painful or any...
Wet Braking: How to Stop In the Rain
When it comes to riding in the rain, wet roads are not your friend. However, sometimes you forget to check the weather app and the sky opens up. So what do you do? Riding on wet roads makes simple task, like braking, become dangerous. So here's some tips for wet...
Mental Recovery: Tips for Getting Over Your Injury
When you suffer an injury, it can be more than just hard on your body. In addition to causing physical pain, an injury can defeat you mentally and emotionally. So here's a few tips for mental recovery as you recover from an injury. Mental Recovery: Tips for Getting...