Many people might think desk jobs are “cushier” than other ones. However, working at a desk comes with it’s own set of potential desk injuries. These injuries can do some serious long-term damage if left untreated. However, there’s a few ways you can counter these problems…

Desk Injuries: Problems You May Face

Lower back pain

Lower back pain and other back-related issues are some of the most common desk injuries. Constantly sitting at your desk means you’ll be doing a lot of leaning forward or backwards. This means your spine is out of alignment, creating a lot of strain on your back ligaments and muscles.

To help alleviate this pain, try to do some stretches to get your muscles a bit loosened up. Then, you’ll want to work on improving how you sit. You want to sit upright, with your feet flat on the floor. If you need, invest in a lumbar pillow or a small stool to help ensure your posture is at it’s best.

Wrist issues

Wrist issues are also pretty common desk injuries. Constantly having to use keyboards and your mouse can lead to a lot of strain building up over the day. Over time, this strain can develop into permanent issues, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. This will just make it harder for you to do the same work that you’re used to doing.

A quick stretch to try is what’s known as the “Buddha stretch”. First, place your hands in front of your chest, fingers pointing upward. Then, while you keep your palms together and elbows moving out, lower your hands until you feel a good stretch in your wrists. In the long term, you’ll want to take breaks, and use wrist supports to keep them level.

Neck and shoulder issues

Your neck and shoulders are also places where desk injuries can pop up. Often times, these issues come from having your monitor and keyboard placed too far in front of you. This causes people to jut their necks and shoulders out to compensate, often times without even realizing.

Of course, the simple fix is to move your equipment much closer to you. Keep it set up directly in front of you, so you don’t have to tilt your head. If you constantly use the phone, try to invest in a headset if you can. This will help you avoid having to cradle the phone between your head and your shoulders.