Forklifts are very useful tools which can help workers move heavy loads without putting their bodies under strain. However, they can also be dangerous, as forklift hazards are responsible for over 100,000 accidents a year. That’s why it’s important to know the risks that come with using a forklift, in order to avoid them as best as possible…

Forklift Hazards: Common Safety Risks

Unsecured loads

Unsecured or unbalanced loads are one of the more common forklift hazards workers can face. An unsecured load runs the risk of falling off the forklift, possibly onto another worker or the driver themselves. This can occur when a driver has to make a quick stop or turn, which could lead to disastrous results.

As a result, it’s important to make sure all loads are properly secured and balanced before using the forklift. Make sure the load is all the way on the forklift and isn’t leaning to one side or the other. You can also make use of things like rope or other fasteners to help give some added stability to the object. 

Poor visibility

Poor visibility is another one of the forklift hazards workers should be aware of. Forklifts can have a pretty narrow field of view, which especially becomes apparent when moving loads around. Larger objects can almost completely block out your sight, making it possible to accidentally hit another worker that you couldn’t see. 

However, there are some ways to improve your visibility. First, try to drive with the load as low as you can while still keeping it safely off the ground. This can help give you enough visibility to move it safely. If that doesn’t help, then travel in reverse instead. That way, you’ll be able to clearly see and avoid potential injuries. 

Lack of signage

The lack of proper signage is one of those forklift hazards many don’t consider. However, it’s actually a pretty important part of keeping forklift drivers and others safe. Without the right signs or markings, other workers or even pedestrians might not be expecting someone to be using a forklift. This can result in them getting into an accident due to this lack of a heads-up. 

It’s always a good idea to have signs up warning others that forklifts are in use. Some places will also have special markings on the floor for forklifts to follow. This allows for other workers to keep clear of the forklifts, thanks to them knowing where they’ll usually be.