When you’re out of work for a work-related injury, every single thing you do can impact your case. During a worker’s comp period, you’ll want to make sure that you’re being cautious when it comes to a few different things. By following these guidelines, you’ll make sure that your claim is safe, you’re well-informed, and there are no negative outcomes.

Worker’s Comp Period Mistakes: What To Avoid In Your Off-time

Don’t post your activities on social media

You might not think about it, but it’s quite easy for your employer to check and see what you’re up to when you’re posting on social media. Furthermore, when you’re out of work due to an injury, but someone takes your picture while bowling— it might show that your abilities are a little more than doctor’s orders. While you might have been cautious, and minding your injury, the pictures tell a different story. By doing this, you might give your employer an opportunity to take action against your claim. While incriminating your self can be quite easy in our technological age, it’s also very easy to avoid by making your profile private, not posting, and discouraging friends from tagging you.

Be a part of all injury-related conversations

In a worker’s comp case, the insurance company your employer uses will likely check in on your case. Furthermore, that person may attend your doctor’s appointments, and try to speak with your doctor privately— even over the phone. They might be doing this in hopes that your doctor will release you to full work duty before you’re ready. Therefore, it’s important that you prevent these conversations.

Be a part of every conversation that has to do with your injury, recovery, doctor, and employer. Not only do you want to protect yourself, you also want to be aware of what’s going on in terms of your own body. If you have a feeling that the case manager is speaking with your doctor privately, ask your doctor. Remember that you have the right to any and all information regarding your well-being, and who knows what’s going on with it.

Don’t assume your position will still be there for you

You’re out for a work-related injury, and you’re receiving a majority portion of your normal pay. But, unfortunately, you cannot assume that your position will b e waiting for you. While your employer very well might hold your job for you, the law does not require that they do so. If you have every intention of making a return after your worker’s comp period, it’s important that you remain in regular contact with your employer about your intentions.

While they have no obligation to leave the space available, they might do so. Or, they might decide to change your position, or make you aware that it must be filled. Having your position waiting on you feels like the right thing to do. But, you must consider that your workload is going unfulfilled while you’re out. Therefore, it is quite possible that you’ll have trouble going back to the exact same spot in some cases.